Metal Building Construction 101
Metal has achieved widespread popularity as a building material in recent years. It is sturdy, durable and easy to maintain, making it a strong and cost-effective choice. Plus, metal buildings are fast and easy to construct.
This 101 guide will teach you the basics of how to construct a metal building. That way, you will have an overview of what you will need to do to complete your own metal building project.
Should You DIY or Contract Out?
Before you dive into metal building construction, there is an important question you need to answer: should you try to build your metal building yourself, or should you contract the job out?
DIY may be an option if you are construction-savvy, have the tools and equipment you need, and are taking on a relatively small or simple project.
For anything large or complex that exceeds your skill set or the time you can dedicate, you should contract out.
If you believe you have the skills to oversee your project, you could serve as your own general contractor. Otherwise, you can hire a general contractor, who in turn will hire subcontractors as needed.
Installation costs range from around $3.50 to $4 per square foot for a metal building. So, if you can take care of some or all of that work yourself, the cost savings can add up to a lot.
That said, you want the job done right the first time. So, if you doubt your capabilities, hiring out is the safer option.
Another possibility is to hire out for some parts of the project, but DIY the ones you feel more confident you can handle.
Steps to Building a Metal Building
Let’s go over the basic steps to erect a metal building. Keep in mind that there are a lot of smaller steps within each of these larger steps; this is just a broad overview. There may also be some differences in how you construct a metal building depending on the exact metal building system you are using.
1. Planning
The first thing you need to do is choose a floor plan for your building. You can either purchase an existing floor plan, or you can work with an architect on a custom floor plan. Many companies also will customize their existing floor plans for you.
Do not forget that your layout needs to fit all building codes and zoning requirements for your city and county. That means you need to research them in-depth before you even start choosing or designing your floor plan.
2. Apply for building permits
After you have all of the documentation you need to apply for building permits from your municipality, you can submit the paperwork. Once you receive approval, you can proceed with your build.
3. Prep your site
Take care of all necessary site preparation. You might need to level the ground and/or remove obstacles that would get in the way of your building.
If the site requires an access road but does not have one yet, you may need to put one in. You also will have to install utilities if the site lacks water, sewer, etc. Check the local building codes and zoning requirements to see what you need from a legal standpoint.
4. Get the foundation ready
Next, you will have to prepare the foundation for the structure. What that entails depends on the specific type of foundation you choose, though in most cases, you will be pouring concrete.
5. Erect the frame
After you have set up your foundation, you will be ready to begin construction of the building itself. This starts with creating your metal building frame out of columns and rafters. Begin with the middle bay, and then work outward to build additional bays as your floor plan requires.
6. Add girts, purlins and framed openings
This is the stage at which you add wall girts, eave struts, purlins, and framed openings to your building.
7. Build the walls
After the framing is done, you can prepare and attach the wall sheets along with the insulation.
8. Install the roof
After the walls are in place, you can construct the metal building’s roof. Prepare the roof panels and insulation and then place them. Be aware that there is a correct order in which to install roof sheets. If you try to do it in the wrong order, you will create problems with alignment.
After the roof panels are installed, you can add trim and gutters.
9. Take care of finishing and utilities
The basic shell of your building is now completed. You can take care of finishing at this stage, and also add in plumbing and wiring. If there are additional accessories or built-in furnishings or appliances you want to add, you can do so at this time.
10. Start using your metal building
Once you have completed the last step above, your metal building should be just about ready to go. All you need to do now is connect the building to the utilities on the site. You can then start moving in.
Save Time and Effort with Prefab Metal Buildings
With traditional metal building construction, it was necessary to complete the entirety of construction on the building site. But nowadays, there are some alternatives to traditionally-built metal structures.
One popular option is pre-engineered metal building (PEMB) systems. With a PEMB, much of the initial construction takes place indoors at a factory. Then, components are shipped to you for final assembly at your building site. These components include:
- The main frame units, which include the columns, rafters and framed openings.
- The secondary frame units, which include the girts, purlins, eave struts and cable bracers. Wall cladding and roof cladding are also part of the secondary frame units.
Metal buildings constructed out of pre-engineered components offer several advantages:
- The controlled conditions of the indoor environment where the components are built make it easier to achieve precise results. The overall consistency and quality of the build can be higher.
- It is faster to build a PEMB structure than it is to build everything on-site. Once the components arrive on your site, you can look forward to a rapid assembly process.
- The costs associated with pre-engineered metal buildings may also be lower than those constructed in the traditional way. You will not need to pay for as many hours of labor.
Along with PEMB metal frame structures, there are a couple of other options for metal building construction that are worth considering.
Quonset Huts
A Quonset hut is a metal building that features a distinctive arch shape. These buildings are also constructed out of pre-fabricated components, but instead of a traditional frame, you are joining together the arch panels to form the structure. Once you have finished building the arch shape, you just have to attach the end walls and take care of insulation and finishing.
Quonset huts were designed specifically to be fast and easy for people to install at military outposts. That means that they are a viable DIY option for even those who do not possess specialized skills or tools.
Shipping Container Homes
One more option for building a metal building is to use shipping containers. Naturally, this can save a lot of time and money since the shipping container already serves as the shell of the structure. It is just a matter of taking care of insulation, utilities and finishing, and placing the container in its final location. You can also join together additional containers to expand a shipping container home into a larger structure.
Get Started with Your PEMB Construction
Constructing a metal building involves an investment of time, money and labor, and there are multiple types of metal buildings and metal building systems to choose from. Regardless of the path you decide to take, a metal home or business structure can be cost-effective, durable, and easy to maintain over the long run, providing you with many years of use.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What are the types of metal construction?
A: Types of metal construction include structural steel framing, light-gauge steel framing, and pre-engineered metal buildings (PEMB).
To figure out the best type of metal construction for your project, you will need to consider the pros and cons of each.
Q: Does a metal building need a foundation?
A: Yes, a metal building requires a foundation. While it is true that metal buildings are sturdy and resist rot, pests, fire and weather, without a solid foundation, your home may sink into the ground or have problems with insulation or moisture.
Additionally, the local building codes where you live probably require you to put your home on a permanent foundation. So, you also need a foundation for your metal structure for legal reasons. Without a foundation as part of your building plans, you will not be approved for your permits.
Q: Is it cheaper to build a building out of wood or metal?
A: The answer to this question depends on whether you are looking at the short term costs or the long term costs.
The upfront costs to build a metal building are more expensive in most cases than the upfront costs to build a wood building.
But this should not dissuade you from building a metal structure if you can afford it. Over the long haul, wood requires more maintenance than metal, and also breaks down more rapidly. So, metal buildings are cheaper over the long run than wood ones.
Q: Is it cheaper to build your own metal building?
A: In theory, yes, it is more cost-effective to build your own metal building than it is to hire contractors to do it for you. You will be avoiding the costs of labor.
But in reality, it may not always be cheaper to build your own metal building. If you make mistakes because of lack of experience, those could be expensive. Also, you will have to spend a lot of time working on your build. If you would otherwise have spent that time doing paid work, you have to count those lost potential earnings as additional costs.
That is why you may want to hire a contractor for your metal building project anyway, or at least hire some subcontractors if you decide to act as the general contractor.
Q: Does a metal building increase home value?
A: Metal buildings are highly desirable since they are low-maintenance, durable, and offer fantastic longevity. So, yes, putting a metal home up for sale may fetch a great price. Additionally, adding a metal shed, carport or other structure to your property could be a good investment.